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I campeggi più visti

Panorama Camping

Salzburg 193573x

Comfort-Camping Stubai

Neustift im Stubaital 110290x

Alpen Camping

Klösterle 90743x

Camping Murinsel

Großlobming 78416x


A partire dal 2025-08-02 | Strandcafé Leimüller Camping
1 Wohnmobilstellplatz Strom, Wasser

A partire dal 2025-07-25 | Campingplatz Pichlinger See
1 mal Platz für Zelt + 2 Personen ( 1 Erwachsener, 1 Kind)

A partire dal 2025-08-11 | Camping Murinsel
Stellplatz am Wasser 2 Erwachsene 1 Kind

A partire dal 2025-08-02 | Terrassencamping Ronacher
1 x 4 Personen Zelt

A partire dal 2025-04-17 | Freizeitsee Zenz Camping
1 Platz für 1 Auto, 2 Zelte, 2 Erwachsene, 2 Kinder,

A partire dal 2025-04-02 | Campingplatz Melk
1xStellplatz Wohnmobil 7,5 m mit el. Anschl. am Wasser ?, 2 Pers.

A partire dal 2025-06-23 | Camping via Claudiasee
1x Stellplatz mit Strom, Wasser,Kanal

A partire dal 2025-03-30 | Camping Bertahof

A partire dal 2025-06-25 | MICAMPA Neue Donau
1 Stellplatz für 1 Wohnwagen (ca. 6,50/2,50 m) + 1 Auto/ 1 Person

A partire dal 2025-08-06 | Stausee Camping
Mobilheim 2 Erwachsene + 2 Kinder


Austrian phone code: 0043

Prices highway signs in Austria for 2025:
Time / Weight Moto car to 3.5 t Car over 3.5 t
1-Day 3.70 EUR 9.30 EUR toll
10-Days 4.90 EUR 12.40 EUR toll
2-Months 12.40 EUR 31.10 EUR toll
1 Year 41.50 EUR 103.80 EUR toll

The driver of the car with no sign must pay a extra fee of € 120, € 65 for motorcycles, this fee paid as an highway sign for next 24h, the fee is collected by highway patrol during the inspection. If you refuse to pay the fee the patrol can call the state police, which may grant fine or refer the case to the proceedings with a fine up to € 3000, may also seize valuables or car as security for payment of fines.

Speed limits:
  • Highway speed limit 130 Km/h
  • Outside town speed limit 100 Km/h
  • Town speed limit 50 Km/h

Impressum/AGB »»


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